
The results are in!

We'd like to extend a big thanks to all the artists who submitted pieces for us to review. You didn't make it easy on us! Plenty of great talent was shown, and we believe we have brought on some very skilled people to move the project forward.

Sprite Artist:
Lewis Cross

Level Artists:
Jessica Jeansoulin
Matt Allan

Mike Harvey
Ricky Lee Earl

Jesús Campos

Here's a sneak peek at some of the submissions pieces our new team members sent us for review:

And these aren't even the final pieces! Since then the artists who created these have moved on to creating additional animations and assets that will be seen in S2HD.

It's also worth announcing that our team of musicians/composers has expanded from the one during the alpha release days to three now, and each zone will be given a brand new treatment with distinct music for each Act.

Once again, thanks to all the fans who continue to be the driving motivation for S2HD. Look forward to a brand new changelog update focused on the Hill Top Zone pieces we've been working on!


  1. It's awesome !!!
    One question, Jesus Campos is a brazilian guy? (i live in brazil too)

    by the way, good luck in project and i'm excited for this !!

    1. Hi Dani! I'm Spanish :) Thank you for your comment!

    2. Brilliant Work! Proud to know a Spaniard is involved in this project. Best wishes from Barcelona.


  2. Good to see this project alive! I miss you guys from the hidden S2HDdev forums ;)

    Cheers from Master Emerald

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lovely work, you guys. And welcome, new members, to being part of the team developing a fan-made remake of one of the best Sonic games of all time!

  5. This is great! Will there be frequent updates to progress on the project?

  6. "It's also worth announcing that our team of musicians/composers has expanded from the one during the alpha release days to three now, and each zone will be given a brand new treatment with distinct music for each Act."

    Interesting! Will there be bonus retro versions (as in if the music was in the original Sonic 2) of the Act 2 remixes (and the Act 3 remix in the case of Metropolis Zone)?

  7. Just discovered this project and WOW! The logo alone is awesome!

    Best of luck guys! Can't wait to get my hands on it when it's finished.

  8. Are you going to add Dust Hill/Wood/Genocide City/Hidden Palace as well? It would be perfect (and of course, the beta version of Casino Night).

  9. Oh hey! You guys still ended up using my Chemical Plant platform but it looks more updated! Cool stuff!

    1. Are you guys still using my other Chemical Plant contributions from when the game was a community project?

      Old assets:

      Does this mean I get game credit? :3


  10. Seeing as how the other zones are getting major redesigns, are you going to edit Emerald Hill in any way?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Me?Hunter Norcross?Formerly I was worried of abandoned earthbound 64 blogspot and sonic 1 hd blogspot.Let's back to topic.What about Rayman 1,Jazz Jackrabbit hd dualogy and Sonic 2 HD.Too much duties I guess so.Well sure I can make emerald hill zone exporting .mgs game sprites from former Sonic 2 HD version somehow with Euation Illustrator V shape builder or my own method of redoing this again using neccessary drawings?

  13. i dont want to rush u guys but ITS GOOD any plans when it will be published and finish


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Would you guys happen to need any programmers at this point? I have experience coding some simple games, and I think I could help with this project if I were given a job!
