
A special announcement...

S2HD fans, today is a special day! After evolving the character art style through three major revisions, with countless hours spent tweaking vector points, shading, and animation boils, I am proud to announce Sonic's entire frameset for S2HD is complete! None of this would have been possible without Ricky Earl's gorgeous animation drafts and patience in creating the revisions for our blue hero.

I would like to give special thanks to Tom Fry and Jared Kasl, as their efforts in 2010 laid the foundation for the final shading techniques that make S2HD look so amazing today. Finally, a huge thank you to all of you for your support and comments -- I love reading them and promise to keep character art as sharp and polished as I can! 

-Vincent S2HD Team Leader



  1. Great work, everyone! =D
    Please keep it up.

  2. Greaat! (Stay away from here, Sega!)

    1. let sega see this and make it official

    2. DON'T make this official, SEGA getting their hands on this will set this games fate in the rubbish pile. It is much better off with people that know what they're doing.

    3. It's sad to say, but Austen is right. Sega would just mess it up somehow, i know it.

  3. So excited for this, keep up the good work!

  4. can we see another demo in the near future?

  5. Replies
    1. This is Classic no-greeneye Sonic

  6. Keep up the great work of my most favourite game of my childhood! :D

  7. (chant) o-pen-source! o-pen-source!

  8. This character design is beautiful. Thank you for your effort in bringing HD version of Sonic to life.

    This game will be EPIC!

  9. Sonic seems to have two right hands in this animation. http://hpics.li/fca40ff

    1. He has both of his hands facing palm away from him. That means he does not have 2 right hands there, its just perspective looking that way.

  10. I was born in 1987 and I am a huge fan of the old sonic and Mario games. i have only just seen this work that you are doing. i downloaded the demo and had a go. thought it was brilliant. i will definitely be getting this when it is complete. the hd colors and smooth looking animation make the game come to life. do you plan on making the whole 3 games? you should because your good at it.

  11. Your work on this project is absolutely heartwarming, I can't wait to see a proper release and play it to death

  12. Congratulations guys! I hope we can do some donations at one point...

  13. Sonic is awesome but his hands have a lot of problems in too many frames. Are really wrong.

  14. Now if only we have an animation showcase of this.
